See the latest press and news articles featuring Sea Kayak Adventures. 

What it's Like to Kayak with Orcas

Vogue August, 2016

"Time stops in British Columbia’s Inside Passage: Stretching from the northwestern edge of Washington State and extending into southeast Alaska, this coastal route weaves through thick wilderness where a day at sea includes roaming free with humpback whales and orcas. Towering trees stand erect against the haze of ambient cloud streams, and you can feel a steady, internal shift accruing, cementing a lineal connection to nature this landscape provides."

Orca Basecamp Kayak Tour & God's Pocket Wilderness Resort Kayaking Tour

The Orca Alternative: Kayaking in Search of Killer Whales in the Wild

The Chicago Tribune June, 2016

"There are easier whales to see. The humpback, for example, puts on acrobatic displays annually in Maui. Along their 6,000-mile migration between Mexico and Alaska, gray whales can be spotted from shore. Curious sperm whales in the Caribbean have been known to approach whale-watching boats. Orcas, it turns out, are much less predictable quarry..."

Paddle Among the Orcas of Johnstone Strait May, 2016

"TELEGRAPH COVE, BRITISH COLUMBIA — Have you heard the mermaids singing? I have, and they sound like pearly black orca whales calling to one another as their sleek dorsal fins slice through the water past my sea kayak.

I first heard their song of the sea on a shimmering hot August afternoon in Johnstone Strait, a narrow channel in the northeastern part of Vancouver Island. Family groups (called pods) of orcas use this passage as an aquatic superhighway, speeding toward deeper waters farther offshore on their seasonal migratory odysseys. Their otherworldly vocalizations are called echolocation, and they use them to navigate, communicate and hunt in these cold, deep waters. From a nearby boat borne hydrophone I could listen to broadcasts of their conversations above the water’s surface as I paddled past."

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Return to the Bay of Pigs

Sierra Magazine May, 2016

"This is a day of firsts," announces Peter Grubb of ROW Adventures, the organizer of our six-day waterborne odyssey. "It's not just the first-ever people-to-people kayak tour of Cuba. It's likely the first time a group of Americans has been on these waters in a long time."

Whale Magic in Magdalena Bay

What a Trip March, 2016

"The full-throttled leap of a female Pacific gray whale was heard before it was seen from our small panga bobbing in the lagoon. Her giant splash reverberated through the shallow waters of Magdalena Bay like a meteor exploding into Earth. We are close enough to the hulking mammal to see the barnacles on her back and feel the spray from her blow hole. Her month old baby floats beside her. Our three day whale watching adventure is just beginning and yet, it has already exceeded my expectations!"

Cuba Unbound

Virginia Living March, 2016

"Kimberley Lovato travels to this enigmatic place, where she kayaks on the Bay of Pigs and in Ciénaga de Zapata National Park, the Caribbean’s largest wetlands, explores Trinidad and Havana, and discovers there’s a lot to learn, and love, about this long-shuttered country on the verge of transformation."

A Week of Whales, Water, Wildlife in Baja California

The Star-Telegram March, 2016

"Booked through ROW Adventures in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and its sister company, Sea Kayak Adventures, this popular wildlife adventure combines sea kayaking in the Loreto Bay National Marine Park in the Sea of Cortez with whale watching in Magdalena Bay."

Sea Kayaking Adventure to Danzante Island

What a Trip February, 2016

"As our plane descended into Loreto, Mexico the Sierra de la Giganta mountain range, Isla Carmen and Danzante Islands came into view. After a quick overnight in the sleepy fishing village of Loreto, we were off to begin our week long sea kayaking and whale watching vacation with Row Sea Kayak Adventures. Our group of 10 came from all walks of life; a father and son, two former Outward Bound employees, an active adventure couple, three friends who had met previously on a whale watching trip in the Azores and me. While we all had different levels of kayaking experience, our common bond of wanderlust and adventure bound us together over the next eight days."

How to Honeymoon in Cuba

Brides February, 2016

"Vintage Havana, Hemingway haunts, live salsa music, those azure ocean blues— what could possibly be more romantic than a honeymoon in Cuba? The vibrant island nation is more accessible to American travelers than it has been in decades (it was just announced that commercial flights from the U.S. to Cuba will be restored starting Summer 2016), but there are still rules for travel." Read more to learn how to plan your Cuban honeymoon!

Sea Kayaking Adventures

Travel Advice Show February, 2016

Peter Grubb, founder of Sea Kayak Adventurers, explores the world of sea kayaking with Chris and Jerry of the Travel Advice Show. Sea Kayak Adventures' trips offer a unique perspective of getting-up-close to nature, culture, flora, fauna, and culture. Their tours include close encounters with various types of whales, exploring remote coastlines, observing bears, paddling the Bay of Pigs, walking through rural Albania, and other unique experiences. Sea Kayak Adventures offers sea kayaking expeditions to Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Alaska, and Europe. Some of their programs are designed for families, which include three-passenger kayaks so younger children can sit between their parents. For a truly fascinating, invigorating, and awe-inspiring vacation, go on a trip with Sea Kayak Adventures.