Avistamiento de ballenas y kayak en Baja

Nuestra aventura de vida salvaje más popular en Baja combina kayak de mar en el Mar de Cortés con avistamiento de ballenas en Bahía Magdalena, una de las principales lagunas de reproducción de ballenas grises. Este es el mejor viaje a Baja, que combina uno de los encuentros con la vida salvaje más increíbles del planeta (tocar ballenas grises) y navegar en kayak por la magnífica belleza del Parque Nacional Marino Bahía de Loreto en el Mar de Cortés. Puede estar cara a cara con ballenas grises en una laguna donde dan a luz a sus crías en la costa del Pacífico de Baja California Sur y luego cruce la Península para remar en kayak junto a delfines y ballenas azules en las aguas cristalinas del Mar de Cortés. Nuestros tours combinados de kayak en el mar de Cortés y avistamiento de ballenas en Bahía Magdalena permiten a los participantes acercarse a las ballenas, explorar islas desiertas en kayak de mar y hacer esnórquel en ensenadas aisladas en aguas cálidas y de color turquesa.

Bahía Magdalena está protegida del Océano Pacífico por una barrera de islas desérticas. Las islas que sirven de barrera protegen las lagunas de las corrientes oceánicas, creando un entorno fascinante de estuarios rodeados de manglares, dunas de arena y plantas desérticas en flor. De enero a marzo, cientos de ballenas grises se aparean y dan a luz a sus crías en estas aguas protegidas después de viajar más de 5000 millas desde el estrecho de Bering.

Puede observar de cerca las ballenas grises y sus crías recién nacidas desde la seguridad de las pangas (embarcaciones) en las partes más profundas de la bahía, donde las amistosas ballenas nadan hasta las pangas para darse un masaje en la cabeza. Saltando, asomándose y aleteando, las ballenas cautivarán su atención con su comportamiento y le garantizamos avistamientos de ballenas.

Te hospedaras tres días en nuestro exclusivo campamento de ballenas ubicado en una playa remota en una isla en el corazón de la actividad de las ballenas grises. Además de las ballenas, la laguna alberga delfines, lobos marinos, pelícanos y miles de aves marinas. Sus guías le presentarán las plantas del desierto, las aves y otros animales salvajes de Bahía Magdalena en nuestro tour de avistamiento de ballenas en Baja.

Luego, regrese a Loreto para pasar tres días en kayak de mar y acampar en islas remotas en el Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, donde el agua circundante es un santuario para piqueros de patas azules, ballenas de aleta y azul, delfines y lobos marinos. El Mar de Cortés es un sitio del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y ofrece la combinación perfecta de kayak, senderismo y esnórquel en Baja California Sur. La abundante vida salvaje, las enormes ballenas, el clima soleado y las cálidas y cristalinas aguas hacen del Mar de Cortés uno de los mejores destinos de aventuras invernales en América del Norte y México.

Con cada uno de estos tours, su primera y última noche serán en un hotel en Loreto con una noche de hotel adicional entre kayak y avistamiento de ballenas. Todas las actividades son dirigidas por guías naturalistas, quienes son también excelentes cocineros y sirven deliciosa comida mexicana y margaritas en el campamento de playa con tiendas de campaña al final del día. Llevarás a casa muchísimos recuerdos para toda la vida.

Nota: Si está buscando un recorrido más largo en kayak, consulte nuestro viaje 3+5 whale watching and kayaking trip.

Fotos y Videos

sunset on baja beach outside of Loreto
woman on sand dunes with whales in background
whale watching camp in baja
men sea kayaking in baja
food on table
kayaks in the sea of cortez
people standing on sand dunes in baja
inside whale watching dome tent in baja
gray whale in baja lagoon
kayak in baja
tent and kayaks on beach
sunset on baja beach outside of Loreto
woman on sand dunes with whales in background
whale watching camp in baja
men sea kayaking in baja
food on table
kayaks in the sea of cortez
people standing on sand dunes in baja
inside whale watching dome tent in baja
gray whale in baja lagoon
kayak in baja
tent and kayaks on beach


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Day 0

Llegada a Loreto, reunión de orientación por la tarde

A su llegada a Loreto, tome un taxi a su hotel y regístrese en su habitación (no incluido en el precio del viaje). Pase la tarde explorando el hermoso pueblo de Loreto. Puede recorrer la histórica Misión ubicada en el centro de la ciudad, pasear por el mercado local y cenar auténtica cocina mexicana antes de reunirse con sus guías en el lobby del hotel Hacienda Suites para una reunión de orientación.

Consulte la siguiente guía Baja Travel Guide para obtener detalles completos sobre los viajes hacia y desde Baja.


Day 1

Notas sobre el itinerario de los días 1 a 6:

  • Las distancias aproximadas para remar se muestran y pueden variar según el tamaño del grupo y el clima. Haremos todo lo posible para cumplir con el itinerario programado. Sin embargo, el itinerario puede cambiar por motivos ajenos a nuestro control como el viento, las olas o las inclemencias del clima.
  • Realizamos este itinerario en ambas direcciones; en otras palabras, su viaje puede comenzar con el recorrido de kayak y terminar con el avistamiento de ballenas, o comenzar con el avistamiento de ballenas y terminar con el recorrido de kayak.
  • Aunque es muy probable que veamos ballenas y otras especies marinas durante la semana, la frecuencia, la proximidad y la calidad de los avistamientos dependerán en última instancia de la vida salvaje.

Avistamiento de Ballenas en Bahía Magdalena

A las 7:30 am EN PUNTO llegará una camioneta para transportarlo dos horas hacia Puerto López Mateos, Bahía Magdalena en la Costa del Pacífico. Aquí tendrá su primera sesión de avistamiento de ballenas mientras toma una panga con licencia federal desde Puerto López Mateos hasta la isla de Santo Domingo, donde se encuentra nuestro campamento de ballenas. Al llegar al campamento, tendrá la oportunidad de descargar su equipo y acomodarse en su tienda de campaña preinstalada antes de sentarse a disfrutar de un abundante almuerzo. Después del almuerzo, sus guías lo guiarán en una caminata a través de las dunas de la isla de Santo Domingo hasta el Océano Pacífico, donde luego podrá recorrer por la playa de regreso al campamento para disfrutar de la hora feliz y la cena bajo las estrellas.

ACCOMMODATION : Campamento en la playa

Day 2

Avistamiento de Ballenas en Bahía Magdalena

Al despertar escuche el canto de los pájaros y las olas rompiendo en la orilla mientras el café y el té se preparan para usted. Disfrute el sol de la mañana. Siéntase libre de pasear por la playa, tomar un café y observar a las ballenas mientras sus guías preparan un desayuno caliente. Este día tendrá dos sesiones de avistamiento de ballenas en una panga con licencia federal, tendrá mucho tiempo para caminar por las dunas, hacer caminatas y relajarse en la arena mientras las ballenas retozan en la costa. También puede optar por realizar recorridos de observación de aves en las áreas de manglares de la laguna en lugar de avistamiento de ballenas, o en parte avistamiento de ballenas, en parte sesiones de observación de aves.

ACCOMMODATION : Campamento en la playa
MEALS INCLUDED : Desayuno, Comida, Cena

Day 3

Regreso a Loreto

Por la mañana disfrutará de una última sesión de 2 horas de observación de ballenas después del desayuno antes de regresar a Puerto López Mateos en panga. Tómese unos minutos cuando regrese a Puerto López Mateos para explorar las pequeñas tiendas locales en el puerto y posiblemente compre algún recuerdo o souvenir antes de salir a disfrutar de un almuerzo de mariscos calientes en un restaurante local. Después del almuerzo, regrese al hotel del tour para tomar una ducha o dar un paseo por el malecón frente al mar antes de una reunión de orientación, ubicada en el lobby del hotel, para la parte de kayak de su tour.

ACCOMMODATION : Hacienda Suites (incluido en el precio)
MEALS INCLUDED : Desayuno, Comida

Day 4

Hora de ir en kayak

Por favor, desayune y prepárese para la hora de la reunión, donde será trasladado al lugar de inicio del recorrido en kayak. Después de cargar los kayaks, sus guías le enseñarán los conceptos básicos de remar y revisarán a fondo los procedimientos de seguridad. El grupo no abandonará la costa hasta que todos los participantes se sientan cómodos. Hará travesías de 50 minutos, de 2 a 3 millas hasta las islas, donde tendrá la oportunidad de hacer snorkel y caminar antes del almuerzo, y luego navegar en kayak hasta el primer sitio donde se instalará el campamento. Se proporcionan tiendas de campaña espaciosas, aunque es posible que tenga la tentación de dormir bajo las estrellas. Varios sitios de campamento tienen caminatas por los arroyos del desierto que ofrecen vistas espectaculares, así como parte de la flora del desierto exclusiva de Baja.

ACCOMMODATION : Campamento en la playa

Day 5

Kayak en el Mar de Cortés

Al despertar disfrute el olor a café y un delicioso y abundante desayuno para después prepararse para un día de remar. Mientras rema, explorará los pintorescos acantilados y ensenadas de Isla Danzante o Isla Carmen. Las oportunidades para esnorquelear, caminar por la playa y hacer caminatas se combinarán con su día antes de que se instale en el próximo sitio de campamento para cenar y contemplar las estrellas.

ACCOMMODATION : Campamento en la playa
MEALS INCLUDED : Desayuno, Comida, Cena

Day 6

Regreso a Loreto

Después de un desayuno final, remará hasta el lugar donde haremos el lunch y desempacará su kayak mientras los guías preparan el almuerzo. Una camioneta lo llevará de regreso al hotel después de la comida para relajarse y tomar un buen baño. Por la noche, está invitado a unirse a su grupo para una cena de despedida final (no incluida en el precio) para despedirse y brindar por las nuevas habilidades y amigos que hizo durante el recorrido.

MEALS INCLUDED : Desayuno, Comida

Day 7

Hoy no hay actividades programadas, por lo que puede salir de Loreto en cualquier momento.

Nota sobre el itinerario: haremos todo lo posible para cumplir con el horario; sin embargo, pueden producirse cambios debido a razones fuera de nuestro control, como el viento, las olas o las inclemencias del clima. TENGA EN CUENTA que a veces la parte del recorrido en kayak puede preceder a la parte de la ballena gris.

Fechas y Tarifas

Supplementary Information

Departure Details: 2021 Dates

Adults: $1595
Child: $1495

Departure Details: 2022 Dates

Adults: $1645
Child: $1545

Single Supplement: If you are a solo traveler and wish to have your own hotel room in Loreto (or if we are unable to pair you up with another solo traveler), an additional single supplement of $45.00 USD is required.  Solo travelers will always be provided with a single tent while kayaking, but may be asked to share a large stand-up canvas tent with another guest at Magdalena Bay Whale Camp.If you are asked to share a tent at our whale camp, rest assured that tents are very spacious, full-height canvas wall tents, with two cots and plenty of room to stand and maneuver around your tent-mate without difficulty.  Please inquire at time of booking if you have any questions.

Tour Includes:

  • Full services of our Adventure Consultants
  • Professional naturalist and bi-lingual guides
  • All meals and beverages as indicated on the itinerary
  • Hotel accommodations between activities as dictated by the itinerary
  • All transportation while on tour
  • All kayaking, camping and snorkeling equipment
  • Whale watching sessions by Panga
  • Panga supported kayaking tour
  • Taxes

Tour Does Not Include:

  • Airfare
  • Transportation to and from the airport
  • Hotel accommodations Before and After tour
  • $25 National Parks & Biosphere Reserves access fees required by itinerary
  • Gratuities
  • Items of a personal nature

ALL PRICES IN US DOLLARS. We will do our best to adhere to the itineraries and trip descriptions listed on our website. However, tour itineraries or sub contractors (such as taxi, cruise boats or hotels) may change slightly due to reasons beyond our control including but not limited to Acts of God, wind, waves, inclement weather or other. We always welcome you to call us to clarify any item - often this is the best way to fully clarify expectations - call us collect or on our toll-free number. You will be sent pre-trip email with latest details within a month of your tour - it is your responsibility to check in with us prior to your trip to see if you have all the information you need. We will always do our best to provide you with the best possible tour and to fully meet your expectations to the best of our ability.


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Preguntas Frecuentes

How do I get to Loreto?

Please see our Baja Travel Guide for full details on travel to and from Baja.

Do you provide transportation to and from the airport?

Airport transfers are not included in your tour package price.

Are your tour prices in USD?

Yes, all of our tour pricing is in US Dollars.

What’s included in this tour package? What’s not included?

Packages Include: Hotel accommodations in between activities only, all paddling and camping equipment, all snorkeling gear, all meals and beverages once the tour begins, all National Parks & Biosphere Reserve access fees required by itinerary, bi-lingual certified Guides and the full service of our Adventure Consultants. Dates provided reflect your arrival date; all packages include an arrival and departure day.

Packages do not Include: Airfare, transportation to and from airport, Hotel accommodations before and after tour, gratuities, $25 National Parks & Biosphere Reserves access fees required by itinerary, and items of a personal nature.

When is the best time to go & see whales?

Our Combo tours are offered late January through mid-March, when the gray whales are present in Magdalena Bay to calve. We GUARANTEE gray whale sightings on our combo tours! This time of year in Baja can have cooler days (75-80*F/23-27*C) and a chance of wind, with temperatures rising in late February and March. As an added bonus to spring trips, the islands of Loreto National Marine Park, located in the Sea of Cortez (where you will kayak), are home for 6 different species of whales including Blue, Fin, Sei, Humpback, Bryde's and Pilot whales. They swim up into the Sea of Cortez from late January through April. There are few other places that harbor such a concentration and diversity of whales.

What kind of kayaks do you use?

For all of our Baja tours we use high quality, fiberglass kayaks, made by Seward. The majority of our fleet is comprised of tandems, as these boats offer the greatest stability, speed, and ease of paddling. There are typically a small number of single kayaks present on the tour, which will be utilized by the guides. Depending on weather conditions, and interest, they may allow guests to rotate into singles; however this will be at the guide's' discretion based on safety and the paddling objectives for the day. We also have a limited number of solo kayaks available to reserve and use throughout the trip (for an additional cost) for paddlers who have ocean kayaking experience.

Are your kayak trips motorboat supported?

Yes, if at any time a guest does not want to paddle they are welcome to ride in the panga instead.

Can I paddle a single kayak?

We have single kayaks available to reserve and use throughout the trip (for an additional cost of $100) for paddlers who have previous ocean paddling experience. If you would like to reserve a single kayak for your trip you will need to contact our Adventure Consultants to add this to your reservation and provide a summary of your ocean paddling experience.

What are the physical requirements for this trip?

When stopping at shore, you should be able to climb in and out of the kayaks on your own. They will be floating in calf-deep water. Your guides are happy to assist, but balance and limberness are required. When you get to your evening campsite, all group members must to be able to help carry the kayaks above the high tide line, in teams of 6-8, before the group disperses. You will change camp sites almost every night, but may have a layover day. Camp sites are assigned by the National Park Service immediately prior to the tour.

What’s camp like? Are there toilets and showers at camp?

During the kayaking portion of the tour, you will paddle to a new campsite almost every day but may have a layover day.  Campsites are assigned by the National Park Service immediately prior to the tour. We endeavor to secure the very best campsites for the natural beauty and amenities of the area. Your guides will give a demonstration of how to set up and take down your provided dome tent. We also will provide you with a sleeping bag, liner sheet, pillow and an inflatable thermarest sleeping pad. There will be a kitchen/dining area and shade tarps where you can sit back and relax. While kayaking, we can only carry enough fresh water for drinking and cooking. There are no fresh water sources on most of the coastline and islands we visit. You can clean up with saltwater and soap off above the high tide line, or bring disposable shower wipes. A porta potty will fit into a hatch of the kayak or on the panga support boat, and will be transported to each campsite and set into a sheltered area for solid waste. Liquid waste can be expelled below the high tide line, or in a separate porta-potty bucket.

While on the whale watching portion of the tour, you will stay at our exclusive base camp located on a sand-dune barriers island. Our whale camp has pre-assembled roomy full-height wall tent with two cots, night stand, rectangular sleeping bag with clean sheet, small pillow, and comfortable self-inflating pad are provided for your convenience at camp. There is also a washroom tent with a portable toilet. We recommend packing biodegradable shower wipes to freshen up with as there is no fresh water at whale camp.

What gear do I need?

Sea Kayak Adventures will provide you with a detailed packing list prior to your trip. We provide all of the necessary camping, paddling and snorkeling equipment, which you will need to fully enjoy your adventure. If you are interested in more specific information, check out our general Baja packing list here! If you have any questions, or need help deciding what to bring, you can call or e-mail one of our friendly Adventure Consultants at any time for some extra advice!

Who will my guides be?

We know your Guide will make the biggest difference on your trip! Which is why we pride ourselves on employing only the best local guides for all of the incredible locations that we visit. Part of this is to support our eco-tourism efforts, but we also believe that there is no better way to experience a new destination than through they eyes of a local! We find talented and skilled local guides, train and certify them, and provide a positive and consistent source of income to them and their families. Most of our guides are with us for the long-term, despite the seasonal nature of the industry.

What kind of food will I eat? Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?

Our renowned wilderness meals are prepared daily by our guides using local, fresh, healthy ingredients. In Baja you can expect an authentic dining experience, with savory dishes like chiles rellenos, tostadas, ceviche, and chicken mole. We even serve delicious desserts like brownies and pineapple upside-down cake! Each morning, we serve up freshly brewed coffee or tea. Throughout the day we provide an abundance of local fruits, vegetables, and other snacks. Wine and mixed drinks are served with hors d’oeuvres each evening for happy hour.

We do our best to accommodate special dietary requests, working within the parameters of the destinations in which we operate. If you have a very strict diet, we recommend packing extra snacks that you know you can eat.

What’s the weather like in Baja?

Please check out this great website Weather Underground for temperature averages in Baja.

Is there a single supplement fee for solo travelers?

Our tour costs are based on double occupancy on any included hotel nights. Solo travelers who would like their own single hotel room can pay a single supplement or can be matched up with another solo traveler of the same gender if one is available and willing to share. If we are unable to pair you with another solo traveler, we must apply the single supplement charge to cover our hotel costs. Solo travelers will always have their own tent during kayaking tours, and will typically have their own tent at whale camp, both at no additional cost.  However, we are unable to guarantee individual tents at whale camp due to limited tent capacity.  If you are asked to share a tent at our whale camp, rest assured that tents are very spacious, full-height canvas wall tents, with two cots and plenty of room to stand and maneuver around your tent-mate without difficulty.

Is there a deposit required? Is my deposit refundable?

A deposit of $500 per person is required within 10 days of your reservation to hold your spaces. If the tour you are signing up for is a confirmed departure your deposit is non-refundable. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance to protect your vacation investment. US residents may purchase travel insurance directly through ROW Sea Kayak Adventures offered by Travel Insured International.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you find it necessary to cancel your trip, you should notify ROW Sea Kayak Adventures in writing, by e-mail or fax immediately. If written cancellation is received (call to verify) before the final balance is due, you will be given a refund less the amount of deposit. Deposits are not refundable. If cancellations are made on or after the final due date, no money will be refunded. If you are unable to go on the trip, you are welcome to find a replacement for yourself. Please understand that once you've signed up, we are unable to sell your reserved space to other individuals or groups. Therefore, we regret that we cannot make exceptions for personal emergencies. For this reason we strongly recommend you consider purchasing a Travel Protection Plan to protect your vacation investment.

When is payment in full due?

Full payment is due 60 days prior to the launch date, as indicated on your invoice. Due to the high demand for these trips, please be sure to pay your balance on time so as to not jeopardize your reservation. Your final payment must be paid by check or bank draft in US funds.  Alternatively, you may pay your final balance with a credit card, but a 3% administrative fee will be added.

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