My first-ever kayak trip was with ROW Sea Kayak Adventures in July 2013. This adventure, in British Columbia, to sight-see & whale watch, was absolutely incredible! The only problem was that I was incredibly nervous to kayak for the first time. Would I be good at it? Would I tip the kayak over? Would I like kayaking? There were so many thoughts going through my head that had me worried sick. Luckily, the guides had it all under control, and before I knew it I felt like a pro! Here are just 11 reasons why you should kayak for the first time. 

  1. You Might Just LOVE It: To be completely honest, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy kayaking or not. Trying anything for the first time can be incredibly daunting, but you'll never know if you never try.
  2. The Guides Will Walk You Through It: Like I said, I'd never kayaked before, but the guides made it incredibly easy. They were approachable, kind and always willing to offer advice. They were quick to compliment me on how quickly I was catching on. 
  3. It's A Great Workout: If you do it correctly, kayaking is great for your core. The guides will be sure to let you know if you're using your arms too much - and I never felt pressure with that. We were there to have fun!
  4. It's A Bonding Tool: ROW Sea Kayak Adventures mainly uses tandem kayaks. Think of them as a tool that will bond you and whoever you're paddling with. Patience is key, but you'll have it in no time. 
  5. It's Peaceful: The only boat I'd ever been on had a motor, so having that quiet and mellow feeling throughout the trip was wonderful. You're incredibly close to the water and can look at all of the wildlife and nature around you without disrupting all of it.
  6. The Animals Love You: It's like they know that you're not hurting the environment with your quiet and rather small boats! Orcas are occasionally spotted teasing paddlers in BC by coming really close and the harbor seals are always curious and popping up when you least expect it. 
  7. It's An Inexpensive Sport: The more I thought about it, the more I realized that a kayak is a fairly inexpensive sport compared with others. You don't have to pay for gas, you don't have to pay for a lift ticket or rentals; once you buy a kayak you can go almost anywhere and only have to worry about paying for parking. It's certainly something to consider if you're a person who enjoys the great outdoors. 
  8. It's A Way Of 'Getting Away From It All': Even while at home, kayaking can allow you to truly escape. No cell phone, no computer - just you, maybe a friend or two - & the beautiful ripples in the water. 
  9. It's Therapeutic: Kayaking is just one more way for you to think things through, or to channel frustration or anger into something else. Let the water and your paddle take you away even for just a half an hour - you'll be surprised at how healing it can be. 
  10. It's Adventurous: You've got to admit, exploring the water can be incredibly adventurous as you paddle through turquoise waters, watch birds overhead, animals on the shore and marine life beneath you. 
  11. It's Romantic: A tandem kayak or two singles will have you taking an adventure together while also enjoying a getaway, just the two of you! Watch the sunset over the water, paddle to a secluded beach or have lunch in the middle of a lake. 

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