Adventure Vacations are incredible and so much fun! Activities throughout the day with moments of relaxation mixed in; what's not to be happy about? Well, because of how much fun the vacation is, it can go by so fast! And with those limited vacation days, you'll want to make sure you enjoy every second of it.

Here are 9 ways to ensure you make the most of your adventure vacation.

1. Ask Questions: We know that your vacation starts well before you depart and we want it to be the best experience possible! Do not hesitate to ask as many questions as you can think of so that you are well prepared and have no worries as you travel toward this incredibly memorable experience!

2. Do Your Research: Another way to limit worry is to read all of the information provided to you, as well as additional media recommended to you, like books and videos. These things are bound to have you incredibly eager to get on your way, and set to leave you feeling optimistic about your trip. We provide you with a list of books to consider reading before your trip so you're ready to go, know what to expect, and know what activities to explore.

3. Remember That It's a VACATION: This experience is a way for you to get away from your every day life! Let yourself be mellow and relaxed on this upcoming tour. Practice being mindful of your experience so that you can appreciate all of the sights, sounds & tastes of your trip. This is easier said than done, but if you practice this a bit before your trip, you'll be able to utilize this skill better while you're on your trip.

4. Schedule A Tour Extension: Day tour extension options are available and we are happy to sign you up for them. Go on a day hike, see the whales and explore old missions with some of our incredible tour options. If there is an activity you'd like to explore before or after your trip with us that we don't offer, or if you're looking for more activities, but not sure what or where, we are happy to refer you to someone who can help with this.

5. Don't Hesitate To Explore: Upon arrival, as well as just before departure, you will have time to explore. Check out the local area, shop around and further immerse yourself in the culture around you before leaving.

6. Don't Hesitate To Relax: There will also be time to relax, before, after and during your tour. Completely enjoy and take in your views of the white sandy beaches, turquoise water, sunrises and sunsets, etc. throughout each day. Take a leisurely walk on the beach, sip on a margarita, or read that book you've been meaning to get to for the last year!

7. Drink A LOT Of Water: You will be very active on your adventure vacation, so drink as much water as you can to prevent dehydration or heat exhaustion. Being hydrated will help you to be focused on the amazing experiences around you.

8. Ask More Questions: Your guides are trained to answer your questions. They are knowledgable about the area, wildlife, culture and environment. Learning about the area is as much as part of the trip as experiencing it. After all, our mission is "Sharing Nature - Enriching Lives," so ask questions and soak it all in!

9. Try It All: Whether it's hiking, snorkeling, or a food you're unsure you'll like, try it all! Truly experience as much as you can while you're there. Some things might not be for you, others might be a newly discovered favorite! But you'll never know for sure unless you give it a try.

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